In A Covid-19 Cashless World, What Are Our Payment Alternatives?

SARS-CoV-2 has become an ubiquitous topic of the media in 2020 in ways we could never have imagined. Almost as ubiquitous as the virus...

How To Regulate Cryptocurrency: Commodity, Currency Or Security?

South Africans are increasingly buying cryptocurrencies, many exploring Bitcoin or Ethereum as investments for the first time on Luno, the country’s leading cryptocurrency platform. Anyone...

World’s Most Advanced AI Proclaims It Is The Best Thing Since Bitcoin

Manuel Araoz, a Bitcoin developer, was recently given access to the API of GPT-3. GPT-3 is a third generation language prediction model created by...

CitiBank Eyes Huge BTC Target, But Hype Sensors On Red Alert

CitiBank executive Tom Fitzpatrick pointed out in an independent report the distinct similarities between the 1970 gold market and Bitcoin. Fitzpatrick referred to Bitcoin as...

ANALYSIS: ‘Lockdown Edition’: USD Strength And Charlie Shrem Talks Institutions!

IN THIS EDITION! Graeme looks at how the US Dollar is strengthening significantly against emerging markets, leading us into chatting about various Forex trading...

ANALYSIS: ‘Lockdown Edition’: Traditional Markets Dead-Cat Bounce? Bitcoin Looking Bearish

IN THIS "LOCKDOWN EDITION", James and Graeme video call each other and discuss the crazy rebound in traditional markets, they discuss the strength of...

Africa Blockchain Profile 3: Catherine Jenkin

As a media platform headquartered out of Africa, we wanted to run a series that highlights some of the leading voices that are impacting...

What Are The Main Uses For Crypto?

Cryptocurrencies has gone from something only discussed on obscure internet forums for people interested in cryptography and technology to being discussed around dinner tables...

African Blockchain Profile 2: Sean Sanders – The Model Entrepreneur

In our second edition of the "African Blockchain Profile" series, we meet the co-founder of Revix, a FinTech investing startup founded in Cape Town....

Conference Notes: Blockchain Africa 2019

The Johannesburg edition of the Blockchain Africa 2019 conference was held at the Wanderers Club in Johannesburg from 28th February to 1st March. The young...

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